Cambridge Dry Gin View larger

Cambridge Dry Gin

48,90 €

Traditional juniper combines with fresh basil, rosemary, rose petal, angelica seed, blackcurrant leaf and the effervescent citrus finish of lemon verbena. The result is an homage to both our heritage and to the aromatic, sensorial delight of an English meadow at the height of summer. Appearance: Bright and crystal clear. Nose: Light intensity. Fresh profile reminiscent of an English country garden in summer. Palate: Dry, light...

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Producer Cambridge Distillery
Foreign Region United Kingdom - Cambridge
Winemaking Local, seasonal botanicals were individually distilled and expertly blended into a gin of outstanding quality.
Capacity 700 ml
Volume Alcohol by Volume: 42%

Walks through the meadows surrounding Cambridge inspired William and Lucy Lowe to create gins that capture the taste of the English seasons using botanicals grown in and around their home.

They founded Cambridge Distillery on the principle that no two botanicals are identical and as such, they need to be treated individually. To achieve this, they developed a unique novo-dimensional distillation matrix in which temperature, timing and pressure are just three of the nine variables that they use to tailor the treatment of each botanical. This means they can distill the freshest and most delicate botanicals and achieve a level of precision vastly beyond that of traditional distillation.

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