
“Vinho de Cheiro” is the designation given in the Azores to wines made from Isabelle American grapes variety (also known as Isabel or Isabella). “Vinho de Cheiro” began to be produced in the Azores following the destruction of the traditional vineyards caused by oídium and phylloxera. Because of the climatic conditions Isabelle variety quickly replaced the European grape varieties. However, the great emigration of the 1960s led to a rapid decline in production from the 1970s. Nowadays the production is restricted to Caloura and Vila Franca do Campo (São Miguel island), Biscoitos and Porto Martins (Terceira island) and some areas of Pico e Graciosa islands. “Vinho de Cheiro” has an intense violet colour and it´s aromas are intensely fruity. Has a low alcohol content (6 to 10%).


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