Petit Bouchet

Petit Bouschet is a grape variety created by the Frenchman Louis Bouschet in his vineyard in Mauguio, in the department of Hérault in 1824. His son, Henri Bouschet, has been used Petit Bouschet to create other grape varieties, including Alicante Bouschet, Grand Noir and Morrastel Bouschet. At the end of the 19th century, after the phylloxera plague decimated vineyards across Europe, is widely planted and was used with other grapes varieties to produce colourful wines. As its descendant, Alicante Bouchet, became more popular, Petit Bouschet disappeared. Today it is almost nowhere to be found in its country of origin. The wine from this grape variety has an intense colour, low alcohol content and ages very quickly. For this reason, it continues to be for blending.

Petit Bouchet

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