
List of products by producer Alveirão Bio

Alveirão is a family-owned organic winery, in Chicharo Tejo's wine region.

Alveirão is Faria-Vieira's family organic winery. We've been producing wines since the XIX century, in a remote and tiny village of Portugal, in Chícharo (Tejo's wine region). In the 2000 years, the Faria-Vieira brothers developed the brands "Maximo's" and "Encostas do Vale Godinho" (EVG) and started sharing their wines with you all.
Respecting everything and everyone, producing terroir driven wines, from Alveirão. Ther name, "Alveirão", is the popular designation for the steep white limestone slopes that make up Vale Godinho, where the vineyards are located. The proximity of Serras D'aire and Candeeiros guarantees a warm, dry and sunny climate, promoting grape maturation and the practice of organic viticulture. The family's vineyards were never conducted in conventional agriculture, they have always been in organic production. The wines are treated by minimalistic oenological practices, letting the wine grow and evolve.

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