
List of products by producer Ramilo Wines

Ramilo Wines

2013 - This was the year brothers Pedro and Nuno Ramilo were challenged by their father to embrace a family tradition of 4 generations. They said yes, but with one condition: they would do it their way. From that moment on, they would not be just another wine producer, making good wines, that don’t stand out.

Ramilo Wines

2013 - This was the year brothers Pedro and Nuno Ramilo were challenged by their father to embrace a family tradition of 4 generations. They said yes, but with one condition: they would do it their way. From that moment on, they would not be just another wine producer, making good wines, that don’t stand out.

Wine appears in the Ramilo family by the hand of the great-grandfather, Manuel Francisco Ramilo, who, in the early twentieth century, devoted much of its land area to wine production. Time and the hardness of the vineyard’s works in the region led the following generations to focus the family business on distribution and marketing of wines from other regions, following the trend of agricultural abandonment that occurred in the region in the late twentieth century.

Four generations later, unwilling to accept the abandonment of local traditions, brothers Pedro and Nuno Ramilo left their comfortable lives to embrace a family business of four generations. The task was huge, but they had no doubts about the way to go. They strongly believed their future laid in their ancestors’ roots, hidden in the Lizandro River slopes and the sandy properties of Colares, among the terraces and ancient stone walls of the old family vineyards. They rebuilt the family estates, saved old vines, and planted new ones. The brothers are now on the verge of becoming the largest private producer of the world-famous Ramisco from Colares.

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