The family project was born in 2009 with the purchase of the Quinta, which is located 600 meters above sea level and a few meters from the source of the Caia River. It has 7.8 hectares of total area, 4.5 hectares of vineyards, olive groves, 2 vegetable gardens, all kinds of native fruit trees, garden, and forest. They recover the property (abandoned since 2002) and implemented the traditional agricultural system. A system in which Man lives from Nature and with Nature, in subsistence agriculture, poor in resources but integrated into the landscape and in the balance of the ecosystem.
The family project was born in 2009 with the purchase of the Quinta, which is located 600 meters above sea level and a few meters from the source of the Caia River. It has 7.8 hectares of total area, 4.5 hectares of vineyards, olive groves, 2 vegetable gardens, all kinds of native fruit trees, garden, and forest. They recover the property (abandoned since 2002) and implemented the traditional agricultural system. A system in which Man lives from Nature and with Nature, in subsistence agriculture, poor in resources but integrated into the landscape and in the balance of the ecosystem.
Viticulture is free of chemicals and is part of a project to restore the traditional farming system. They decided not to pull up a single century-old grapevine, but rather to restore the vineyard maintaining the many existing varieties. The vineyard is consolidated with olive groves and fruit trees and with all kinds of native herbs and flowers - the "Mediterranean" theater. In the fight against diseases, the great difference that exists between organic farming and the conventional method is that in organic farming the fungicides do not penetrate the tissues of the plant. Biodynamic, is an agricultural philosophy that uses all kinds of organic and natural stimulation to strengthen plants and vivify the soil - making it healthy and airy. Biodynamics intensifies the natural expression of plants.
The main grapes are: Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Castelão, Grand Noir for the red´s; Arinto, Assario, Fernão Pires, Roupeiro, Alicante Branco for the white wines with small contributions from other native grapes: Moreto, Tinta Grossa, Tinta de Olho Branco, Corropio, Tinta Francesa, Tinta Carvalha, Moscatel Preto for the reds; Rabo de Ovelha, Tamarez, Uva Rei, Uva Formosa, Vale Grosso, Excelsior, Salsaparilha for the white wines.
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