
Madeira There are 2 products.

  • 29,90 € In Stock

    Verdelho is a native grape variety of the islands, distinct from the "Verdelhos" of the mainland and shared with the neighboring Azores. This Verdelho dos Vilões comes from three vineyards on the northern coast: one in Seixal and two vineyards in Vale de São Vicente. Clean yellow-citrus color. Fresh aroma, mineral/volcanic, with some tropical fruit. Tense...

    29,90 €
  • 59,90 € In Stock

    The "Vinho da Corda" was one of the ways that the "licorosos" were prepared before the arrival of fortification in the mid-seventeenth century. The vines, previously planted closer to the sea, were able to reach other degrees of ripeness, the grapes were almost pressed, allowing a must naturally strong in alcohol. The technique consisted in crushing these...

    59,90 €
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
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