
List of products by producer Entre Pedras

Entre Pedras

The first vines for this project were planted on the island of Pico in 2017 by André Ribeiro and his father, Gilberto Ribeiro.

Entre Pedras

The first vines for this project were planted on the island of Pico in 2017 by André Ribeiro and his father, Gilberto Ribeiro.

Two years later, the Entre Pedras project was born from the friendship of two university friends, André and Ricardo Pinto, from Torres Novas, who share the same philosophy of life and passion for wine.

In 2020, they formed a friendship with a winemaker on the island and added a fantastic old vineyard in Criação Velha, which they believe has the purest terroir the island has to offer.

They both believe in a surreal, heroic viticulture that touches on the almost impossible. They believe in strong, thoughtful viticulture, made by hand, and above all, they believe that wine is made in the vineyard.

"This is what Entre Pedras is all about. You can open a bottle in Amsterdam or Lisbon or Tokyo, anywhere in the world, and you know that wine was made by the sea, but not just anywhere. It was made on an island in the middle of the Atlantic, with a taste of phosphorus, sulphur, acidity and salinity."

- Ricardo Pinto


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