
List of products by producer S.A. Prüm

S.A. Prüm

The Prüm name has been synonomous with quality wine production in the middle Moselle for generations. The family has been cultivating vineyards and producing wine in the region since 1156.

S.A. Prüm

The Prüm name has been synonomous with quality wine production in the middle Moselle for generations. The family has been cultivating vineyards and producing wine in the region since 1156.

The vineyard´s namesake, Sebastian Alois Prüm (1794-1871), had seven sons of whom only Mathias (1835-1890) married. He owned 17 hectares in the middle of the 19th century which was the largest privately-owned wine estate on the Moselle at the time.

Mathias also had seven children - naming his third child after his father, Sebastian Alois Prüm (in 1877-1959). Sebastian expanded his family´s heritage and established the winery in 1911. His second-oldest child, Raimund (1923-1971) continued his Father´s work and so it has progressed through subsequent generations to the present day.

Since 1971 the estate has been managed by Raimund Prüm, the third generation. He is often called the 'Red Prüm'. Raimund made the estate to what it is today: one of the most prestigious wine estates in Germany with international success and deep roots in wine making.

Since the 1st July 2017 his daughter Saskia Andrea Prüm is now the first female in the history of the Prüm Family to be responsible for the wine estate, and again where the "S.A." initials in the name are used!

The vineyards
The vineyards managed by S. A. Prüm are exclusively planted with Riesling in the best vineyards of the steep slopes along the middle Mosel.

Their oldest vines were planted by their forefathers in 1905. These vines were never faced to the wide-spread damage caused by Phylloxera in the late 1800s and remain planted on their own roots unlike so many vineyards worldwide that had to be grafted. Not surprisingly, these vines produce fruit of unique concentration and quality.

Beside their "senior citizens" they have been developing vineyards during the course of land consolidation in Wehlen and Bernkastel. They are focused on maintaining the balance between old and young vines to produce the best possible expression of site in their wines.

They refuse in their vineyards any insecticides and use only organic fertilizers.

Deep down a narrow staircase is the historical wine cellar. Here their wines can mature in perfect climatic conditions before they're bottled.

This also home to their traditional barrels named Fuder. Made from oak, these have a capacity of 1,000 litres. These barrels do not impart an oak flavour to the wines as you would find with modern barriques, but instead provide a subtile microoxidation which gives the wine structure.

All their wines undergo slow, temperature-controlled fermentation, spending extended time on lees to develop complexity and ageing-potential.

Modern cellar technology: yes; high tech: no. As a top vineyard they produce their wines in a traditional manner. In every phase of wine production, they take care to preserve the unique expression of the grape - from vineyard to bottle.

To ensure the purest expression of the fruit they focus on gentle pressing, wild fermentation and minimum additives to the wine. They aim to work in harmony with the land and reject the use of excessive chemicals in the vineyard.

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