
List of products by producer Quinta da Espinhosa

Quinta da Espinhosa

In this vast Dão region, we find Quinta da Espinhosa. Located in Vila Nova de Tazem, the sub-region of Serra da Estrela has vineyards cultivated with noble red and white varieties from the region. Some of them are centuries old.

Quinta da Espinhosa

In this vast Dão region, we find Quinta da Espinhosa. Located in Vila Nova de Tazem, the sub-region of Serra da Estrela has vineyards cultivated with noble red and white varieties from the region. Some of them are centuries old.

Planned and structured, one of the secrets of its wines is the excellent location of the farm, convenient exposure to the sun, and choice of noble grape varieties that guarantee high quality, even if this determines a decrease in the quantities produced.

Also relevant is the cultivation process and constant monitoring of the vines.

Quinta da Espinhosa is in integrated production. All treatments are monitored and certified.

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