
List of products by producer Piccini 1882


Piccini 1882 is a historic Tuscan winery owned by the Piccini family, who have lived and worked in the heart of the Chianti Classico area since 1882.


Piccini 1882 is a historic Tuscan winery owned by the Piccini family, who have lived and worked in the heart of the Chianti Classico area since 1882.

Under the leadership of Mario Piccini, the fourth generation of the family, Piccini is today one of the most dynamic and innovative companies on the Italian scene, being to count on 7 estates, which are a parallel oenological project along with the successful Piccini brand.

In Tuscany, the company owns Fattoria di Valiano (Chianti Classico), Tenuta Moraia (Maremma), Villa al Cortile (Montalcino) and Geografico (Gaiole in Chianti and San Gimignano); to these, in the last years have been added the “volcanic” estate of Torre Mora on the Vulcano etna, in Sicily, and the estate of Regio Cantina in the heart of Aglianico del Vulture, in Basilicata.

Since 1882 they have been offering the most original and different expressions of culture and tradition of Italian wine.

Piccini 1882 is the story of four generations that have handed down the passion and culture of wine. It is a history of adventures and patient efforts, work and knowledge, asperities overcome and goals achieved with sacrifice.

Family, territory and tradition are for Piccini a springboard, a starting point that enlightens the way towards the future.

First Generation
It does not matter how much you do, but how much passion you put into what you do.”

More than a century ago, in the enchanting scenery of the Chianti Classico, Angiolo Piccini founded a small winery together with his wife Maria Teresa Totti. The couple started the production of Chianti in straw flasks, contributing to gradual growth came during the second decade of 1900, with the purchase of other parcels of land.

Second Generation
All we do in the present time, is present in the past and also will be for the future.

In 1925 Mario, Angiolo´s heir, took over the reins of the company which, thanks to him, overcame the difficult years of the Great Depressioon and the Second World War. Mario´s greatest contribution was to open Piccini´s doors to the first international clients. In fact, he exported the Chianti wine “Il Preferito” to Germany and Austria – two countries today still very loyal to the Piccini brand.

Third Generation
The only wines worth making are the ones you believe in.

After the death of Mario Piccini in 1963, the management of the company passed to Pierangiolo Piccini and his wife Marcella Sammicheli (current President of Piccini 1882) who continued to make dynamic changements within the company, expanding the assortment of products and establishing a competitive price regime for prestigious wines – a company policy that is still promoted with great commitment today.

Fourth Generation
“This legacy is a privilege and, at the same time, a commitment on our part to continue writing the family history chapter, year after year, vintage after vintage, always looking to the future.”

Since 2004 Mario Piccini, the current CEO, has led the company together with his sisters Martina and Elisa. Today, Piccini 1882 includes five niche farms of Italy, and its brand is classified as one of the most distinguished Tuscan brand in the world.

Fifth Generation
Today Mario Piccini leads the company, supported by his sisters Martina and Elisa, together with his children Ginevra, Benedetta and Michelangelo who are personally involved in the business activities.

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