
List of products by producer João M Barbosa

João M Barbosa

As a young boy João Teodósio Matos Barbosa would accompany his grandfather, founder of Caves Dom Teodósio, when he oversaw the work in the vineyards.

João M Barbosa

As a young boy João Teodósio Matos Barbosa would accompany his grandfather, founder of Caves Dom Teodósio, when he oversaw the work in the vineyards. From this experience he developed a passion for wine and a desire to become part of the family project. Working for Caves Dom Teodósio he acquired ample knowledge about winemaking and the wine sector, and he grew along with the company as it became a Portuguese story of success and a brand of reference in the national wine making scene.

Both regions, Tejo and Alto Alentejo, have their own wineries and brands: Ninfa in the Tejo region (Porta de Teira winery in Rio Maior), and Lapa dos Gaivões in the Alto Alentejo (Valle de Junco winery in Esperança, Portalegre). Unique and authentic signature wines are made in both properties. The quality is assured by the fact that each wine of given harvest is bottle all in one go.

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