
List of products by producer Quinta de Paços

Quinta de Paços

Quinta de Paços is a family business with an area of 200 hectares, comprising one property in Mazedo, municipality of Monção and five properties in the Barcelos Municipality, which has been in the same family for over 400 years and 15 generations. 

Quinta de Paços

The Quinta de Paços is a family business with an area of 200 hectares, consisting of five properties in the municipality of Barcelos: Quinta de Paços, Prazo da Cotovia, Morgado do Perdigão, Quinta de Vila Meã e Morgadio de Real that integrate the “Casa de Paços” and the “Casa do Capitão-Mor” or “Quinta da Boavista” in the parish of Mazedo, municipality of Monção.

Casa de Paços
It has been in the same family for more than 400 years and 15 generations, preserving a tradition of more than 4 centuries in the production of wine in the Minho region.

Casa do Capitão-Mor
In the parish of Mazedo, county of Monção, the Morgadio da Boavista is mentioned for the first time in the 14th century, being at the time property of Affonso de Novaes, Knight of King D.Dinis. In 1640, it became the property of the Capitão-Mor of Monção, Francisco Soares de Castro, which is why it was named "Casa do Capitão-Mor".

They are proud of preserving tradition but also of being pioneers in practices that were not common at the time in the Vinho Verde region. They were the first producer to make a blend of the Arinto and Loureiro grape varieties. They were also the first to produce an Arinto Reserva, fermented and aged in barrels using batonnage.






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