
List of products by producer Gardunha Sul

Gardunha Sul

After 15 years of working in the classical Oenology field and in other areas of the food industry and tired of making "coca-cola" wines, André Duque Lourenço decided to go ahead with a personal project. He had always wanted: to make wine in the Beira Baixa region. And so Gardunha Sul was born!

 Gardunha Sul

After 15 years of working in the classical Oenology field and in other areas of the food industry and tired of making "coca-cola" wines, André Duque Lourenço decided to go ahead with a personal project. He had always wanted: to make wine in the Beira Baixa region. And so Gardunha Sul was born!

The basic idea behind Gardanha Sul is to make honest, uncomplicated wines, letting the grapes and the vineyard from which they originate be the stars. The focus will always be the same: minimum intervention in the vineyard and the winery, without additions of any kind, letting the grapes shine at their full potential.

Another of the pillars is to locate, collect and reproduce old, almost forgotten, local and regional varieties - it doesn't matter quantity but quality, typicity and identity. They believe that only in this way will they have unique wines.

The winery's location allows there to be a combination of grapes from the south side of Gardunha, with better maturation due to the hot and dry climate and grapes from the north side of Gardunha, where maturity is later. The result is more elegant grapes, less alcohol and more natural acidity. This combination will create the perfect balance that only this region allows.


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