
List of products by producer Quinta Valle Madruga

Quinta Valle Madruga

Located at Valpaços, in the heart of the Trás-os-Montes Wine Region, Quinta Valle Madruga spreads across 150 acres of vineyards and olive groves.

Quinta Valle Madruga

Located at Valpaços, in the heart of the Trás-os-Montes Wine Region, Quinta Valle Madruga spreads across 150 acres of vineyards and olive groves.

The olive grove has over 100 acres, scattered into three distinct properties - Valle Madruga, Sª D’orada and Caravela - accommodating the typical varieties of the region, Cobrançosa, Madural and transmontana Verdeal. The vineyard with nearly 20 acres, divided into 13 vine varieties, that forms the basis “business cards” of the house - wine ‘Quinta Valle Madruga’ and ‘Valle Madruga’. In the remaining area, priority will be given to Portuguese varietals.

To produce olive oil and wine of recognised superior quality, that will be the maximum expression of the region – this is the motivation of the Martins Ribeiro Family in this project.

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