
List of products by producer Quinta do Sobral

Quinta do Sobral

Is in “The Old Sobral” that Cristina Simões, daughter of the founder, grows up with her grandparents, where she learns the art of the land, where she plays and especially where she discovers the love that continues to flow with pride from her mouth and heart, the love for Santar.

Quinta do Sobral

Located in the most famous land of the Dão wine region, in Santar, the history of Quinta do Sobral would make a book, maybe two … and he wants to continue writing throughout the three generations he has been going through.

Those who know the boundaries of their land do not imagine that everything started with a small portion called by the current owners as “The Old Sobral”.

Well, it is in “The Old Sobral” that Cristina Simões, daughter of the founder, grows up with her grandparents, where she learns the art of the land, where she plays and especially where she discovers the love that continues to flow with pride from her mouth and heart, the love for Santar.

Her dream begins in the year 1997. We can only imagine her effort listening to the stories that old Nelson has to offer us in an afternoon with him. The Cristina vision story, risk, love and reward.

She starts the reconstitution of old vines with new plantations and builds its winery in 2000, constantly evolving technology and space. The investment allows it to cover in a single complex a winemaking area, internship cellars, laboratories, bottling line, visitor space, restaurant for events, tasting rooms, offices and, of course, a store with all the products.

All this in a space where the granite walls, the old tunnels and the iron gates, combined with a stunning landscape, give it the character, tradition and eloquence it deserves.

Quinta do Sobral currently has 15 hectares of vines in production and more than 20 hectares of forest, essential for the Dão wine terroir.

Cristina Simões, a teacher by profession, and Jorge Loureiro, hotel manager of a 5-star complex in England, form a passionate couple with some ideas. They embrace Nelson Simões' project and fulfilling the dream they leave behind their careers, for the family, for the love and belief of their father and father-in-law, respectively, dedicating themselves exclusively to the Quinta do Sobral project.

The entry of this couple gives a new direction and encouragement to the project, positioning "Quinta do Sobral" as a reference brand in the national wine scene, with new methods of agricultural management and sharp attention to the commercial area.

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