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Sparkling Wine

The term sparkling applies only to wines whose effervescence results from an alcoholic fermentation conducted in a closed container. The production of a sparkling wine is always divided into two phases: the first phase begins with the production of a still wine and the second is “sparkling”. There are several methods that can be used in the spar...

The term sparkling applies only to wines whose effervescence results from an alcoholic fermentation conducted in a closed container. The production of a sparkling wine is always divided into two phases: the first phase begins with the production of a still wine and the second is “sparkling”. There are several methods that can be used in the sparkling process: classic or champagne method, closed vat method, and transfer method. In either method, a second fermentation is carried out (in a bottle or vat) preceded by the introduction of the fermentation liquor which is a syrup whose concentration of sugar will allow an internal pressure to develop CO2 production. Sparkling wines are very versatile. In Portugal we produce high quality sparkling wines that can be paired with several dishes, from seafood, fish and meat, or served simply as an aperitif.



Sparkling Wine There are 18 products.

The term sparkling applies only to wines whose effervescence results from an alcoholic fermentation conducted in a closed container. The production of a sparkling wine is always divided into two phases: the first phase begins with the production of a still wine and the second is “sparkling”. There are several methods that can be used in the sparkling process: classic or champagne method, closed vat method, and transfer method. In either method, a second fermentation is carried out (in a bottle or vat) preceded by the introduction of the fermentation liquor which is a syrup whose concentration of sugar will allow an internal pressure to develop CO2 production. Sparkling wines are very versatile. In Portugal we produce high quality sparkling wines that can be paired with several dishes, from seafood, fish and meat, or served simply as an aperitif.


Showing 1 - 18 of 18 items
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