
List of products by producer Mainova


Located in the Alto Alentejo area, Herdade da Fonte Santa has centuries of preservation and improvement of its soil, combined with experience in best practices and processes.


Located in the Alto Alentejo area, Herdade da Fonte Santa has centuries of preservation and improvement of its soil, combined with experience in best practices and processes.

It is here, where shale, granite and a unique ecosystem meet, that a highly specialized team works to generate the best products the region can offer.

It is in this context and under this commitment that MAINOVA is born, an authentic, innovative, sustainable brand that toasts to the future without ever forgetting the heritage, traditions and truths of the past.

The Vineyard
Out of 20 hectares of vines planted with traditional Portuguese grape varieties, 17.5 hectares are in integrated production and 2.5 hectares in organic production regimes.

The entire harvest is manual and nocturnal, thus providing greater care for the grapes and a more careful selection. The grape goes directly to the cellar, where the filling of the press and reservoir is done by gravity to preserve the quality of the grapes and must.

Here, winemakers make their art at the natural speed of the vineyard, respecting the time required in each process - spontaneous fermentation, low sulphur dioxide and minimal human intervention combined with today's knowledge and know-how.

Packaging is thought to detail. Most of our bottles are made of 100% recycled glass, the paper used on labels and shipping boxes are also recycled and/or with a higher percentage of cotton. Instead of the traditional capsules, we use wax to seal the bottles to guarantee greater durability, with less environmental impact.

They selected DIAM stoppers, which preserve the correct evolution of the wine in the bottle over time, respecting the aromatic profile and quality of the wine.

They have two types of production regime in the Olive Grove and Vineyard: Integrated Production and Organic Production.

Integrated Production
A system of agricultural production based on good agricultural practices, with rational management of natural resources and privileging the use of natural regulation mechanisms in place of production factors, thus contributing to sustainable agriculture.

Organic Production
A farm management system combining best practices in environmental and climate matters, a high level of biodiversity, preservation of natural resources and the application of high standards in terms of animal welfare.

They produce in their cellar, which allows them to be involved in the entire production process, such as ensuring the least waste of resources possible. Their production process has the minimum human intervention, respecting natural development through the gravity filling of the vat and press, spontaneous fermentation and low sulphides.

They have a WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant, which allows them to treat wastewater of domestic and industrial origin, allowing us to use this water to irrigate the olive groves and vineyards. 

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