
List of products by producer Desconhecido Wines

Desconhecido Wines

The vineyards and the winery are in a privileged location on the left bank of the Douro River. A 1758 landmark from Marquês do Pombal can be seen near the vineyards, with about 9 hectares, located in shale soil, between 300 and 400 meters of altitude. 

Desconhecido Wines

The vineyards and the winery are in a privileged location on the left bank of the Douro River. A 1758 landmark from Marquês do Pombal can be seen near the vineyards, with about 9 hectares, located in shale soil, between 300 and 400 meters of altitude.

The winery and vineyards, owned by the family, are located in Douro Demarcated Region, at the sub-region of Baixo Corgo. The first date about the wine making and caring of the vineyard, in the family, started at 1846. O foco das gerações sucessivas foi tratar das vinhas utilizando métodos tradicionais e com a menor interferência possível permitindo à planta que se expressasse na totalidade e com sinceridade no terroir onde foi cultivada. 

In 2010, after visiting several wine regions of the world, tasting and assessing their wines through international contests this wine was created as a way to express the terroir, the love and hard work of theis forefathers in the caring of the vineyards.

The Desconhecido (“The Unknown”) is in itself an homage to a family that for decades worked with passion, love and caring for the vineyards thei have today. It was also a call to follow their dreams and to leave the “comfort zone” to take chances and brave the unknown. We all look for the challenge, the essence, the origin...the unknown.

The Desconhecido is a wine, with a fruity character, to enjoy at any moment and for all that believe that the Desconhecido it’s much more than just a word.

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