Rosa da Mata is the personal project of winemaker Patrícia Santos, an author's wine, which honors his grandmother Rosa de Jesus who lived in Canas de Senhorim (Dão region) and was known as “Rosa da Mata”. The wine has yet another symbolism related to the rose of "The Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry.
Patrícia Santos was born in Canas de Senhorim in the heart of Dão region and received her degree in oenology at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. As she was taking her degree she also made internships in wine cooperatives and when she was finishing her degree she also worked at CVR Dão (the winery commission of the Dão region) and in the laboratories of the” Centro de Estudos Vitivinícola do Dão” (Center for winery studies in Dão region).
After receiving her degree she meets the recognized winemaker Anselmo Mendes with whom she has been working since then on several projects. She also shares his passion for wine through professional training for adults and teaching professional courses in enology and viticulture in several schools.
Rosa da Mata is her project, an author's wine, which honors his grandmother Rosa de Jesus who lived in Canas de Senhorim and was known as “Rosa da Mata”. The wine has yet another symbolism related to the rose of the book The Little Prince, by Saint-Exupéry.
It presents a greenish-yellow colour, a reflection of the wooden stage, in the nose is the exuberance of the perfume with sweet flowers like the white rose, some fruit like the tangerine and lime, and a lot of freshness. Fernão Pires is characterized by being a very fragrant variety and this is evident in this wine. In the mouth it is not a wine that...
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